Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) investigates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older persons or adults with disabilities who do not reside in long-term care facilities. Abuse involves physically harming or distressing an at-risk adult or depriving an individual of his/her basic needs, such as not providing necessary medications or withholding food.
APS case managers work with victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation to employ the least restrictive intervention for adults who are in need of support and have the capacity to engage in decisions about their well-being.
To report abuse of an older adult or a person with a disability in the community:
- Call 1-866-552-4464 or visit aging.ga.gov
To report abuse of an older adult or a person with a disability in long-term care facilities:
- Call the Department of Community Health at 404-657-5700. In case of emergency, call 911

By the Numbers | APS
- 23,806 cases were substantiated, meaning alleged abuse, neglect or exploitation was confirmed
- 50,158 number of reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation
- 173 budgeted APS case manager positions

SFY 2020 top 5 reasons for APS reports
Improperly or illegally using a person’s resources for the benefit of another person. 9,620 reports. - SELF-NEGLECT
Depriving oneself of necessities such as food, water or medication. Consciously putting oneself in harm’s way or being unable to handle the needs of day-to-day living, because of medical, mental health or other disabilities. 7,610 reports. - NEGLECT
Refusing or failing to provide essential services (food, water, shelter, medical care, etc.) to a person to the degree that it harms or threatens to harm them. 6,298 reports. - EMOTIONAL ABUSE
Using tactics, such as harassment, insults, intimidation, isolation or threats that cause mental or emotional anguish. Emotional abuse diminishes the person’s sense of identity, dignity and self-worth. 2,850 reports. - PHYSICAL ABUSE
Using physical force to coerce or to inflict bodily harm. It often, but not always, causes physical discomfort, pain or injury. It may include the willful deprivation of essential services, such as medical care, food or water. 2,411 reports.