Language Access


The CDC has released a series of recorded COVID-19 resources in American Sign Language (ASL). 

Welcome to the Limited English Proficiency and Sensory Impairment Program Customer Service


the Limited English Proficiency / Sensory Impairment (LEP/SI) Program

The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) is committed to ensuring that persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) and sensory impairment (SI) have meaningful access to all programs and activities conducted or supported by the Department. Those services include programs and assistance provided directly by the Department, its divisions and offices, as well as those funded by grant in aid resources to county, regional, and local offices. In addition, meaningful language access will be ensured by all entities contracting with the Department for the provision of services.

The Department’s strategy for providing meaningful access for those with LEP and SI involves assessing language access needs statewide, recruiting interpreters, and training bilingual staff; developing a centralized data bank of language resources; translating vital forms and informational documents; forming partnerships with community groups for outreach and education; and implementing a procedure for monitoring services and resolution of complaints. DHS works to remove barriers that discourage the enrollment of all eligible program participants, including those in immigrant and mixed-status families.