Aging & Disability Resource Connection
ADRC is a one-stop shop or “no wrong door” entry point staffed with counselors who help older adults and adults with disabilities navigate life changes and find resources to assist them with living a more self-sufficient life. The majority of these services are provided through the statewide network of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs).
Area Agencies on Aging
Through contracts with the 12 AAAs, the Division of Aging Services supports older adults, adults living with a disability and their caregivers through a variety of Home and Community-Based Services and other supportive services.
AAAs are located across the state and support individuals and caregivers in every county. While specific services vary by region, the core programs in each AAA region are:
Personal Care Assistance
Hands-on assistance with bathing, dressing and similar daily living activities
Transportation Services
Provides rides to and from Senior Centers
Assistive Technology
Tools that can help individuals perform everyday tasks, allowing them to remain in their own home or community setting of their choosing and/or avoid long-term residential care
Home-Delivered Meals
Nutritious meals provided to qualified individuals in their homes
Congregate Meals
Nutritious weekday lunches provided to older adults in a group setting
Chronic Disease Self-Management
Services that teach individuals with recurring conditions and illnesses how to monitor and care for themselves in a way that maximizes their quality of life
Respite Care
Services that offer a brief period of rest for family caregivers, either in the home or on a short-term basis in institutional settings
Elderly Legal Assistance Program
Legal representation, information and assistance for all civil matters including elder law, housing, elder abuse and neglect and Supplemental Security Income
Money Follows the Person and Nursing Home Transitions programs
Programs that assist individuals who reside in long-term in-patient facilities with relocating back into a community setting of their choosing, when desired. Money Follows the Person is a federally funded program and Nursing Home Transitions is funded by the state.

SFY 2020 clients served by planning & service areas

By the Numbers | ADRC
In State Fiscal Year 2020 (SFY 2020), the ADRC provided 70,558 customers and family members free, unbiased counseling on resources and services specific to their needs.
3,982,671 meals were provided to older or disabled adults through home delivery and congregate settings
$12,080,735 was the value of legal services provided to older Georgians through the Elderly Legal Assistance Program
407 vulnerable adults transitioned from nursing homes and in-patient facilities back into their homes and communities through the Money Follows the Person and Nursing Home Transitions programs
9 AAAs established 11 Assistive Technology Labs to cover the entire state. All 12 AAAs have Assistive Technology toolkits for public demonstrations
37,780 individuals received Home and Community-Based Services
$70,000+ is the average annual cost to provide residential care in a nursing home
$2,000 is the average annual cost to provide assistive technology to allow individual to remain in his/her home or community rather than a long-term care facility
$2,131 average individual annual cost to provide Home and Community-Based Services
2,123 individuals contacted the ADRC to receive information on assistive technology

Allocated COVID-19 expenditures by service