Coordinated Transportation System FY2003 Annual Report
The Georgia Department of Human Resources’ (DHR) transportation system is designed to meet the specialized transportation needs of DHR clients who are elderly, mentally/physically disabled and/or low-income individuals. The goal is to provide transportation for these clients in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner, allowing those clients to access essential services provided by the Department.
DHR's coordinated transportation system began in 1995 with five pilot projects and has grown to provide some services in all of Georgia's 159 counties. Currently, the system provides over 3 million annual trips. As of July 1, 2003, transportation services are provided to clients served by the Divisions of Aging Services, Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Addictive Diseases (MHDDAD) and Family and Children Services (DFCS). A minimal number of trips are provided to the Division of Public Health.
The transportation program is administered through DHR’s Office of Facilities and Support Services, Transportation Services Section (TSS). The TSS is responsible for overall system management, development of policies that ensure quality services, technical assistance, establishment of a data system for program monitoring, an evaluation program for determining effectiveness, and development of a statewide public relations plan. Actual services are provided through contracts for services in each area. Contractors may be a state, county, non-profit, regional government entity or private for-profit vendor. Transportation services are made available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. Core hours are between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Contractors also provide scheduled trips beyond these core hours and days as demand warrants to meet the needs of DHR consumers.
To facilitate delivery of transportation services, the state of Georgia is divided into twelve transportation regions. A Regional Transportation Coordinator (RTC) is assigned responsibility for one or more of the regions and each region has a staffed Regional Transportation Offices (RTO). The Regional Transportation Office staff, in concert with a Regional Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC), which includes representatives from DHR divisions as well as other interested parties, is responsible for transportation planning. The RTO staff members are the regional system representatives who insure the system functions properly. At a minimum, the RTO staff holds informational meetings, as needed, with local providers and each DHR division. The RTOs are the point of contact with the program divisions in each area and work with regional managers to effectively plan for each region’s transportation needs.
For detailed information regarding DHR’s Coordinated Transportation System, including funding information, trip data and numbers of clients served, please see the Coordinated Transportation System FY2003 Annual Report, via link below:
Coordinated Transportation System FY2003 Annual Report (PDF)
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