June 07, 2021

Celebrate keeping Georgia families together

June is National Reunification Month! During this time, we celebrate family and intensify our efforts to make it possible for more families to be supported in achieving permanency through reunification. We also celebrate the accomplishments of families that have overcome an array of challenges to reunify safely and successfully.

The purpose of National Reunification Month is three-fold:

  • To celebrate the success of families that have fought through adversity to reunify.
  • To recognize the vital role that community partners – including mental health and substance abuse providers, courts and judges, foster parents and others – play in helping to reunite, strengthen and support families.
  • To inspire other parents – particularly those going through the recovery process – that it is possible to confront and resolve the issues that led to their separation and to safely reunify with their children.

This year’s theme is: "All In: Reunification 2021.” Reunification is not possible without a a strong network, including the parents, relatives, case managers, stakeholders and providers who are committed to supporting and strengthening families. When “all” are “in,” we are successful at reuniting families safely, timely and successfully.

For resources on supporting reunification efforts, visit: https://www.adoptuskids.org/_assets/files/AUSK/Publications/equipping-foster-parents-to-support-reunification-web508.pdf

And take a look at some great tips on partnering with birth parents to promote reunification here: https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/child_law/factsheets_families_partnerships.pdf