Atlanta Metropolitan State College
1630 Metropolitan Parkway SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
DHS: iWORC Presents The Education, Employment and Resource Expo
Job seekers are welcome to attend to seek employment resources and connect customers to education and/or workforce-related services.
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Georgia Department of Human Services’ iWORC (Interagency Workforce Opportunity Resource Committee) presents the Education, Employment and Resource Expo on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Atlanta Metropolitan State College’s Charles F. Easley Senior Conference Pavilion.
The committee includes representatives with the following DHS programs: SNAP, SNAP E&T, SNAP Nutrition Education, CSBG, TANF, TeenWorks, Independent Living Program, Refugee, Division of Child Support Services (Fatherhood Program and Parental Accountability Court) and DHS Outreach.
The September resource fair will provide attendees with the opportunity to meet human service providers (workforce development, housing, financial literacy, homelessness, fatherhood programs, employment, education etc.) The event is free and open to the public and providers. The day of activities will include free food, entertainment, giveaways, and tons of resources for individuals and families.
Job seekers are welcome to attend and bring a friend.