Mental Health Professionals Gain Skills to Treat Multiple Disorders
To educate providers who treat people with a combination of mental illness and addiction, the Georgia Department of Human Resources Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases (MHDDDA) is holding a seminar on July 9, 2002 for staff of organizations currently contracting with regional MHDDDAD boards.
At least half of the 1.5 to two million Americans with severe mental illness also have an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, compared to 15 percent of the general population. Although the two illnesses are independent, they interact in ways that make diagnosis, treatment and recovery more complex. Often the combination is ineffectively treated by a professional who specializes in just one disorder. The seminar addresses these issues and gives providers the tools they need for working with this population.
After the seminar, 16 participants will be selected for eight months of consultation and training to further enhance their ability to work with people with multiple disorders and to help them design new programs.
Kathleen Sciacca, M.A., an internationally known consultant from New York, is conducting the seminar. Sciacca has pioneered treatment methods and services for people with multiple disorders since 1984. Her programs have been replicated by agencies in many states.
Contact: Iris McIlvaine
[email protected]
DHR Division of Mental Health,
Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases