ATLANTA – The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services (DAS) received a grant award to assist vulnerable adults who have fallen victim to criminal maltreatment at the hands of their caregivers.

The grant will be used to immediately provide stopgap services to victims with substantiated cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation. Services can be provided for up to 12 months while awaiting acceptance into other service programs.

“We are constantly seeking opportunities that provide us the ability to expand upon our services to safeguard and assist vulnerable Georgians in their time of need,” said DHS Commissioner Robyn A. Crittenden. “Our department’s charge is to strengthen the residents of our state, and that is exactly what this grant will be used to do. It will provide a means for those who have been preyed upon to access services needed to rise above a traumatic experience and get back to living.”

The grant was made available by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) as part of their 2019 Victims of Crime Act award. The program will be piloted in two local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), Legacy Link and Coastal Georgia.

In State Fiscal Year 2018, DAS’  Adult Protective Services addressed 50,159 reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation.

DHS works in partnership with local Area Agencies on Aging to deliver services. They are part of a nationwide network of state and local programs designed to help older people plan and care for their lifelong needs. Georgia is divided into 12 Planning and Service Areas.

To learn more information about services available to assist vulnerable Georgians visit