Atlanta, GA – For weeks, Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) staff have been working tirelessly to resolve a backlog of SNAP renewals, with employees working overtime and taking on extra duties to process cases before Thanksgiving. While this work continues, some renewals are still overdue.

DHS encourages clients who need immediate food assistance to utilize the Atlanta Community Food Bank or any one of its seven subcontracted food banks across the state. If you’re in metro Atlanta or north Georgia, use the Atlanta Community Food Bank’s “Find Help Map” to locate food assistance here. If you or someone you know needs immediate food assistance elsewhere in Georgia, please visit to find resources in your community.

To support the Atlanta Community Food Bank’s incredible efforts to provide meals to Georgia families ahead of the holidays, DHS has made a $2.8 million cash donation. DHS is grateful to all of Georgia’s food banks for the important work they do, and encourages all who are able to support them or local charities in their communities by contributing food or a donation this time of year.


Director of Communications Kylie Winton


Deputy Director of Communications Ellen Brown