April 01, 2019

Strong and thriving families

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This is a time to think about the good things you can do in your community to promote healthy child development, strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. You have a role, and your actions can have a positive impact.

This is an exciting time for the field of prevention. The landscape of child welfare services and how they are provided is evolving. Child protection will always be our priority, but child welfare systems across the nation are adapting to reflect the need for prevention. There is an impetus to provide services that keep families safe, healthy and together.

So, come join us in our efforts.

  • Follow the DFCS on Twitter and Facebook and the DFCS Prevention Section on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to like and share all of our Child Abuse Prevention Month messages in April!
  • Host a Civic Dinner. Go to www.civicdinners.com and click on the Georgia State of Hope – Nurturing Communities Civic Dinner to learn more about how to host a dinner conversation with friends exploring how safe, stable, nurturing relationships and communities are essential to the healthy development of all children in our efforts to build a State of Hope.
  • Throughout the year, but especially in April, we want to help people understand that while doing everyday things they enjoy, like cooking, reading, playing sports, they can also help families. Many people are already involved in prevention and don’t even realize it. If you mentor children, coach a local youth sports team, give a new mom or dad a break by cooking dinner or babysitting for a night, all of these things help parents. Small actions can make a big difference in the life of a child or a family. You can help your community thrive!