July 01, 2020

Keeping siblings together maintains family bonds

Sibling relationships are emotionally powerful and critically important, not only in childhood, but for a lifetime. Sibling relationships are, for most, the longest relationships that people experience. For children in foster care, sibling relationships are even more critically important because they can provide support to each other. Studies show that for many children in care, sibling relationships promote resilience and reduce the adverse effect of separation from parents.  

The Georgia Division of Family & Children Services is actively working to recruit homes for children in foster care. Every community around the state is in need of homes for children of all ages, but, this July, we are focused on finding loving homes that can accommodate two or more children of the same sibling group. Unfortunately, children in care are often separated from their siblings, as some settings cannot accommodate multiple children. 

No bond is longer, more reliable or more comforting than that of siblings. Find out how you can help keep siblings together in our community by opening your home. Call 1-877-210-KIDS or visit fostergeorgia.com to learn how you can become a foster or adoptive parent today!