March 08, 2021

DHS partners with Public Health to help vaccinate 33,000 seniors

The DHS Division of Aging Services and the 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are working with the Department of Public Health to increase the number of seniors vaccinated against COVID-19. Many older adults have isolated themselves from their communities and families to stay safe during the pandemic, and this effort strives to further protect Georgia’s seniors and help reconnect them to more in-person activities.

AAAs and public health districts will be working together to plan vaccination events for current AAA clients who receive Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) such as home-delivered meals, personal care assistance and respite care. Currently, there are about 33,000 seniors who are HCBS recipients.

The AAAs and senior center staff are reaching out to their current clients to inform them about local vaccination events and to assist with registration and coordinate transportation to and from the events for those who need it. Assistance will also be provided to coordinate registration and transportation for second-dose appointments.

While DHS is currently serving only HCBS clients, others can register when eligible at the sites below to receive a vaccination.

And for those who wish to help volunteer with vaccination efforts, please visit