April 30, 2024
Partnering for prevention this Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to ensure every child has the chance to thrive through increasing public awareness of child abuse prevention efforts and encouraging community involvement. We also recognize the importance of continuing these efforts year-round.
The 2024 theme, “Building A Hopeful Future, Together,” recognizes that prevention cannot happen without communities partnering together to strengthen youth and families. Below are a few examples of how community members, business leaders, and others can help prevent child abuse, neglect, or other early adversities. To see a more detailed list of roles and action to help Georgia’s families thrive, visit belongingforhope.org/prevention-roles-actions.
- Business leaders can promote a culture of parent support.
- Faith communities can offer space for parent and youth activities.
- Family and youth serving organizations can train staff on preventing, recognizing, and responding to child abuse.
- Educators and others that work with children can follow up if something seems wrong with a child and be ready to connect families with local resources.
- Friends and neighbors can help break the social isolation some parents may experience and encourage parents to seek support when needed by visiting findhelpga.org.
- Individuals can volunteer for an after-school mentoring program or with community organizations working to support families.
Want to get involved and learn more about child abuse prevention in Georgia? Visit Prevent Child Abuse Georgia's website and view the calendar of upcoming events to get involved and raise awareness. Find your role and join in prevention efforts today!