November 22, 2024
Thank the family caregiver in your life
This November, DHS is honoring the family caregivers who do much more than just serve as caregivers. Many caregivers have jobs in addition to caring for a loved one, and they work around the clock to serve in their caregiver role.

In Georgia, the need for caregivers continues to grow at the same rapid rate as the aging U.S. population. Nearly 1 in 5 adults are caregivers and 60% of Georgia caregivers are women. Caregivers themselves are also aging, as 20% of them are over age 65. A third of caregivers have provided at least 20 hours of care per week and 80% manage household tasks. The care they provide is around the clock to maintain quality of life, independence, and physical and social well-being for their loved ones.
Family caregivers selflessly step up to care for loved ones. Often, they work long hours and ensure that their loved ones get to doctor’s appointments, take medications, are bathed, and fed. There are also kinship caregivers who take care of a relative when a parent is unable to care for the child. These can include an aunt, uncle, or grandparent. Resources for kinship caregivers can be found here.
To request information and assistance for services like adult day and adult day health care, legal assistance, nutrition services, respite care (including personal care and homemaker services), telephone counseling, and other supportive services, call the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) at 1-866-552-4464 or visit the Division of Aging Services website at aging.georgia.gov. For resource guides, visit the national Caregiver Action Network website at caregiveraction.org.