Outdoor Child Caring Programs (OCCP)

June 25, 2007 Outdoor Therapeutic Camps were renamed to Outdoor Child Caring Programs.

Any child-caring institution that provides room, board and watchful oversight along with a variety of outdoor activities taking place in a wilderness or camp environment that are designed to improve the emotional and behavioral adjustment of the children, through the age of eighteen (18) participating in the activities. 


  • Child caring institutions licensed by the Department that do not provide therapeutic camping activities exceeding periods of more than 14-days.
  • Facilities licensed by the Department pursuant to rules and regulations for hospitals, drug abuse treatment programs, or intermediate care homes.
  • Facilities owned and operated by the federal government.
  • Summer camps established solely for recreational and educational programs

Type Requirements:
An outdoor child caring program must obtain a license or a temporary license.

Legal Authority:  O.C.G.A. §§ 49-5-12, 49-5-12.1, 49-2-17, 49-5-3, 49-5-8, and 49-5-60 et seq.

The following link will take you to the Code of Georgia-Free Public Access website Official Code of Georgia Annotated


Rules and Regulations for Outdoor Child Caring Programs, Chapter 290-2-7, effective December 10, 1984, revised February 12, 2008.


License: No charge

Find an Outdoor Child Caring Program

For an application regarding OCCP’s please make a request through the website, email RCS, or call our office.


Residential Child Care Licensing Unit

RCCL inspects, monitors, licenses Child Caring Institutions, Child Placing Agencies, Outdoor Child Caring Programs, Children's Transitional Care Centers and Maternity Homes.

(404) 657-9651
Visit: (details)

47 Trinity Ave. S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30334